INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING: Royal Decree 1055/2022, of December 27, 2002, on packaging and packaging waste.
Adhesion of PINTURAS CATAFORESICAS SLU (PINCASA) to the collective system of extended producer responsibility (SCRAP) GENCI: implications related to the management of commercial and industrial waste.
In Almussafes, January 2, 2025.
Dear customers:
As you know, on January 1, 2025, the extended producer responsibility (EPR) for commercial and industrial packaging, regulated in the Royal Decree 1055/2022, of December 27, on packaging and packaging waste, came into force.
In order to comply with the EPR obligations that correspond to it as a product producer, PINTURAS CATAFORESICAS SLU (PINCASA) has joined the collective system of extended producer responsibility (SCRAP) GENCI (
GENCI will implement – by signing agreements with authorized managers – a logistics system that guarantees the collection and treatment of commercial and industrial packaging waste generated after the use or consumption of commercial and industrial packaging placed on the market by its members.
GENCI’s operation does not alter the way in which commercial and industrial packaging waste included in its scope of action is currently managed. You, as holders, can continue to manage as before the commercial and industrial packaging waste generated after the use or consumption of products supplied by PINTURAS CATAFORESICAS SLU (PINCASA). GENCI will ensure the separate collection and treatment of such waste through its logistics system.
Neither the Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy nor the Royal Decree 1055/2022 establishes the obligation of the final holders of the waste to sign any contract or agreement with a SCRAP to ensure the organization and financing of the management of packaging waste subject to RAP.
As holders, you can deliver your commercial and industrial packaging waste to the manager of your choice, either the manager with which you have been working until now or one of the managers included in the GENCI network. In the latter case, GENCI guarantees that the separate collection of commercial and industrial packaging waste included in its scope of action will be carried out free of charge and at no cost to the holder.
If you have any questions, you can contact GENCI directly, through the following communication channels:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 91 799 15 51
[1] The list of authorised residues management agents with whom GENCI has signed agreements will soon be published on its website. (www.genci)